Grounding: The Best Anti-inflammatory Medicine There Is?


Written by Lee Davy, Modern Day Samurai, New Earth University, School of Consciousness & Spirituality


Could we have it all wrong? I would suggest that we do. Instances of disease, anxiety and depression are likely approaching higher highs than at any other time in history. As suggested in the video above, if we take away the label associated with each, than it is merely increased amounts of inflammation in the body.

So what happens when we reduce that inflammation? Do we heal? Grounding or “Earthing” could be one of the easiest and cheapest ways to reduce inflammation and reintroduce balance and health back to the body.

Try it!!

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

About the Author:

Lee Davy
Leveraging a life-long quest and the fortunate ability to find himself in situations of study and learning with many of the true masters and thought leaders of our time in the areas of knowledge, healing, thinking, transformation, metaphysics, energy work, and other forms of Self- Mastery, Lee has spent nearly three decades gathering tools, doing deep internal work and finally creating his own content in preparation to teach what he has learned throughout 30 years of Self discovery and personal growth. “I wish only to share with you what I have learned over a life time of searching and studying the health, consciousness and healing arts. I wish for you to gain the same benefits and outlook that comes from working with and mastering the mental, emotional, physical and Spiritual mixture from which we are all made.”

Originally posted @


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