The Spirit World Chronicles: Unique Reports of the Experience of Death

This is a 4 part series from my friend Wes Annac and I find it fascinating!  I will post a piece here followed by the link to Wes’ website. 

Please Enjoy!




Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

“The Spirit World Chronicles is an ongoing series based on channeled accounts of what the afterlife is like. Some of the material examined in this series dates back to nearly a century ago, and the referenced sources discuss a wide range of topics that have to do with life after death and the conditions of the realms beyond.

Previously, we discussed the uniqueness of each transition and the pain-lifting effects death has on the departing, immortal spirit.

We learned that any potential pain surrounding death is lifted instantly when we reach the bliss of the fourth dimension, and we’re going to resume our discussion with a few personal accounts of the deaths of people who’ve returned through mediums to tell us about their transition and the realms beyond.

We’ve learned a lot from these accounts so far, but we haven’t scratched the surface of what’s available. It’ll probably take five or six more detailed reports to get a glimpse of the vast material out there, and along the way, we’ll learn interesting insights that’ll refresh our perspective on the fourth dimension.

We’ll dive into this material with a quote from Grace Rosher’s departed sister about what death is really like.

“It’s not true that people die. They just go to sleep and wake up to a much more vigorous life.” (1)

Can you imagine how amazing the realm we wake up to is? It must be wonderfully refreshing to fall asleep on earth and wake up in a beautiful, heavenly place filled with departed friends and relatives. Beyond the fact that any fear of death would be quelled, the atmosphere would be rich, uplifting and harmonious.

Sigwart shares his experience of death and informs us that a period of slumber can precede our awakening in spirit.

“Everything intruded upon me and I was conscious at once of what had happened to me, that is, that I had stepped through the portals of death, as you so rightly call it. … The shedding of matter proceeds in a condition of sleep; consciousness returns gradually and then the enjoyment of freedom begins, if one has not been a novice in these things” (2)

It might take some people a little bit of time and adjustment to understand what happened, but the experienced and rested spirit is able to come out of their slumber comfortably. Even though it could be difficult for some to come to terms with their death, everyone’s eventually able to accept it and progress from there.

According to Mike Swain, some people will dream that they’re in the location their body is in during their etheric slumber.

“Nature wraps you in a blanket of sleep [and] a person, even if he is terrified of dying, merely falls asleep. In his sleep, he dreams that he is still in the same room; but actually he is passing to our Golden World.” (3)

Apparently, the sleep that follows death can cause dreams that are based on our most recent location and memory. We’re eventually able to wake up in the wonderful world of spirit, but the initial resting period could be a bit confusing, especially for someone who experienced a traumatic death.

Luckily, everyone who passes on is given immense assistance with understanding their transition and the realms beyond, and a lot of souls then choose to help other initiates understand spirit…”




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